Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Static Private Attributes
Photos Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for Photos:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  MomentumUnits { DEFAULT_MOMENTUM =-1, MEV, GEV }

Public Member Functions

PhotosgetInstance ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void initialize ()
static void iniInfo ()
static void processParticle (PhotosParticle *p)
static void processBranch (PhotosParticle *p)
static void suppressBremForDecay (int count, int motherID,...)
static void suppressBremForBranch (int count, int motherID,...)
static void suppressAll ()
static void forceBremForDecay (int count, int motherID,...)
static void forceBremForBranch (int count, int motherID,...)
static void IPHEKL_setPi0KLnoEmission (int m)
static bool IPHQRK_setQarknoEmission (int MODCOR, int PDGID)
static void createHistoryEntries (bool flag, int status)
static void ignoreParticlesOfStatus (int status)
static void deIgnoreParticlesOfStatus (int status)
static bool isStatusCodeIgnored (int status)
static void setRandomGenerator (double(*gen)())
static void setSeed (int iseed1, int iseed2)
static void maxWtInterference (double interference)
static void setInfraredCutOff (double cut_off)
static void setAlphaQED (double alpha)
static void setInterference (bool interference)
static void setDoubleBrem (bool doub)
static void setQuatroBrem (bool quatroBrem)
static void setCorrectionWtForW (bool corr)
static void setExponentiation (bool expo)
static void setPairEmission (bool ifpair)
static void setPhotonEmission (bool ifphot)
static void setMeCorrectionWtForScalar (bool corr)
static void setMeCorrectionWtForW (bool corr)
static void setMeCorrectionWtForZ (bool corr)
static void setTopProcessRadiation (bool top)
static void setMomentumUnit (MomentumUnits unit)
static void setStopAtCriticalError (bool stop)
static void initializeKinematicCorrections (int flag)
static void forceMassFrom4Vector (bool flag)
static void forceMassFromEventRecord (int pdgid)
static void forceMass (int pdgid, double mass)
static void setMomentumConservationThreshold (double threshold)
static void setEventNo (int iEvt)

Static Public Attributes

static const int VER_MAJOR =3
static const int VER_MINOR =64
static const int DAT_DAY =18
static const int DAT_MONTH =2
static const int DAT_YEAR =20
static enum
momentumUnit = Photos::DEFAULT_MOMENTUM
static int EventNo =0
static bool isSuppressed =false
static bool massFrom4Vector =true
static vector< vector< int > * > * supBremList = 0
static vector< vector< int > * > * forceBremList = 0
static vector< pair< int,
double > * > * 
forceMassList = 0
static vector< int > * ignoreStatusCodeList = 0
static double momentum_conservation_threshold = 0.1
static bool meCorrectionWtForScalar =false
static bool meCorrectionWtForZ =false
static bool meCorrectionWtForW =false
static bool isCreateHistoryEntries =false
static bool IfPair =false
static bool IfPhot =true
static int historyEntriesStatus = 3
static double(* randomDouble )() = PhotosRandom::randomReal

Private Member Functions

 Photos (const Photos &)
Photosoperator= (const Photos &)

Static Private Attributes

static Photos _instance

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file Photos.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 38 of file Photos.h.

Member Function Documentation

void createHistoryEntries ( bool  flag,
int  status 

If event record allows it, create history entries of particles before Photos processing

Definition at line 343 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::historyEntriesStatus, Photos::ignoreParticlesOfStatus(), and Photos::isCreateHistoryEntries.

void deIgnoreParticlesOfStatus ( int  status)

Remove 'status' from the list of ignored status codes

Definition at line 373 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::ignoreStatusCodeList.

void forceBremForBranch ( int  count,
int  motherID,

Force processing of a whole decay branch

Definition at line 286 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::forceBremList.

void forceBremForDecay ( int  count,
int  motherID,

Force processing of a single decay

Definition at line 270 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::forceBremList.

void forceMass ( int  pdgid,
double  mass 

When particles with PDGID and -PDGID will be processed by Photos, their mass value will be given by user instead of being calculated from 4-vector.

This works only if 'forceMassFrom4Vector' is set to 'true' (default) This routine may be executed several times with different PDGID values.

Definition at line 458 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::forceMassList.

static void forceMassFrom4Vector ( bool  flag)

Force mass value to be sqrt(e^2-p^2) for all particle momenta taken from event record. May be important for numerical stability. May lead to faulty results due to rounding errors for hiper-relativistic electron, for example.

Definition at line 155 of file Photos.h.

References Photos::massFrom4Vector.

void forceMassFromEventRecord ( int  pdgid)

When particles with PDGID and -PDGID will be processed by Photos, their mass value will be taken from event record instead of being calculated from 4-vector.

This works only if 'forceMassFrom4Vector' is set to 'true' (default) This routine may be executed several times with different PDGID values.

Definition at line 452 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::forceMassList.

Photos& getInstance ( )

Get instance of Photos

Definition at line 231 of file Photos.h.

void ignoreParticlesOfStatus ( int  status)

Ignore particles with given status code

Definition at line 356 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::ignoreStatusCodeList.

void iniInfo ( )

Prints info on Photos initialization (reinitialization) status

Definition at line 181 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::IfPair, Photos::IfPhot, Photos::meCorrectionWtForScalar, Photos::meCorrectionWtForW, and Photos::meCorrectionWtForZ.

void initialize ( )
static void initializeKinematicCorrections ( int  flag)

Initialize kinematic corrections

Definition at line 149 of file Photos.h.

void IPHEKL_setPi0KLnoEmission ( int  m)

Block emissions id decays pi0 and K_L -> gamma e+ e- 1 = no suppression 2 (default) = suppressed emissions in K_L -> gamma e+ e- ... and all pi0 decays

Definition at line 304 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::forceBremForDecay(), and Photos::suppressBremForDecay().

bool isStatusCodeIgnored ( int  status)

Returns 'true' if status code is ignored

Definition at line 387 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::ignoreStatusCodeList.

static void maxWtInterference ( double  interference)

Maximum interference weight

Definition at line 97 of file Photos.h.

void processBranch ( PhotosParticle p)

Process decay of whole decay branch starting from given particle

Definition at line 231 of file Photos.cxx.

References PhotosBranch::createBranches(), and PhotosParticle::getDecayTree().

void processParticle ( PhotosParticle p)

Process decay of single particle

Definition at line 225 of file Photos.cxx.

References PhotosBranch::getSuppressionStatus(), and PhotosBranch::process().

static void setAlphaQED ( double  alpha)

Coupling constant alpha QED

Definition at line 103 of file Photos.h.

static void setDoubleBrem ( bool  doub)

Set double bremsstrahlung generation

Definition at line 109 of file Photos.h.

static void setEventNo ( int  iEvt)

set event no

Definition at line 177 of file Photos.h.

References Photos::EventNo.

void setExponentiation ( bool  expo)
static void setInfraredCutOff ( double  cut_off)

Minimal energy (in units of decaying particle mass) for photons to be explicitly generated

Definition at line 100 of file Photos.h.

static void setInterference ( bool  interference)

Key for interference, matrix element weight

Definition at line 106 of file Photos.h.

void setMeCorrectionWtForScalar ( bool  corr)

Switch for complete effects of matrix element (in scalar to 2 scalars decays)

Definition at line 435 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::meCorrectionWtForScalar.

void setMeCorrectionWtForW ( bool  corr)

Switch for complete effects of matrix element (in leptonic W decays)

Definition at line 426 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::meCorrectionWtForW.

void setMeCorrectionWtForZ ( bool  corr)

Switch for complete effects of matrix element (in leptonic Z decays)

Definition at line 431 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::meCorrectionWtForZ.

static void setMomentumConservationThreshold ( double  threshold)

set energy momentum conservation threshold

Definition at line 174 of file Photos.h.

References Photos::momentum_conservation_threshold.

static void setMomentumUnit ( MomentumUnits  unit)

Set momentum unit

Definition at line 139 of file Photos.h.

void setPairEmission ( bool  ifpair)

Set pair emission

Definition at line 416 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::IfPair.

void setPhotonEmission ( bool  ifphot)

Set photon emission

Definition at line 421 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::IfPhot.

static void setQuatroBrem ( bool  quatroBrem)

Set bremsstrahlung generation up to multiplicity of 4

Definition at line 112 of file Photos.h.

void setRandomGenerator ( double(*)()  gen)

Substitute build-in generator with external one

Definition at line 397 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::randomDouble.

static void setSeed ( int  iseed1,
int  iseed2 

Seed for RANMAR used by fortran part of the Photos

Definition at line 94 of file Photos.h.

static void setTopProcessRadiation ( bool  top)

Set photon emission in top pair production in quark (gluon) pair annihilation

Definition at line 136 of file Photos.h.

static void suppressAll ( )

Suppress all processing. Only forced decays will be processed.

Definition at line 62 of file Photos.h.

References Photos::isSuppressed.

void suppressBremForBranch ( int  count,
int  motherID,

Suppress processing of whole decay branch

Definition at line 254 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::supBremList.

void suppressBremForDecay ( int  count,
int  motherID,

Suppress processing of a single decay

Definition at line 238 of file Photos.cxx.

References Photos::supBremList.

Field Documentation

int EventNo =0

Is event No

Definition at line 182 of file Photos.h.

vector< vector< int > * > * forceBremList = 0

List of forced decays

Definition at line 194 of file Photos.h.

vector< pair< int, double > * > * forceMassList = 0

List of forced mass values

Definition at line 197 of file Photos.h.

int historyEntriesStatus = 3

Status of history entries

Definition at line 225 of file Photos.h.

bool IfPair =false

Flag for generating emission of pairs

Definition at line 218 of file Photos.h.

bool IfPhot =true

Flag for generating emission of photons

Definition at line 221 of file Photos.h.

vector< int > * ignoreStatusCodeList = 0

List of ignored status codes

Definition at line 200 of file Photos.h.

bool isCreateHistoryEntries =false

Flag for creating historic entries

Definition at line 215 of file Photos.h.

bool isSuppressed =false

Is in suppressed mode

Definition at line 185 of file Photos.h.

bool massFrom4Vector =true

Is mass from 4-vector or from event record

Definition at line 188 of file Photos.h.

bool meCorrectionWtForScalar =false

Flag for complete effects of matrix element (in scalars decays)

Definition at line 206 of file Photos.h.

bool meCorrectionWtForW =false

Flag for complete effects of matrix element (in leptonic W decays)

Definition at line 212 of file Photos.h.

bool meCorrectionWtForZ =false

Flag for complete effects of matrix element (in leptonic Z decays)

Definition at line 209 of file Photos.h.

double momentum_conservation_threshold = 0.1

Threshold for momentum conservation check

Definition at line 203 of file Photos.h.

double(* randomDouble)() = PhotosRandom::randomReal

Pointer to random generator function

Definition at line 228 of file Photos.h.

vector< vector< int > * > * supBremList = 0

List of suppressed decays

Definition at line 191 of file Photos.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: