1 #include <vector>
2 #include <list>
3 #include "HEPEVT_struct.h"
4 #include "PhotosParticle.h"
5 #include "PhotosBranch.h"
6 #include "Photos.h"
7 #include "Log.h"
8 using std::vector;
9 using std::list;
10 using std::endl;
12 namespace Photospp
13 {
16 {
17  daughters = p->getDaughters();
19  //Suppress if somehow got stable particle
20  if(daughters.size()==0)
21  {
22  Log::Debug(1)<<"Stable particle."<<endl;
23  suppression = 1;
24  forcing = 0;
25  particle = NULL;
26  return;
27  }
28  else if(>getMothers().size()==1)
29  {
30  // Regular case - one mother
31  Log::Debug(1)<<"Regular case."<<endl;
32  particle = p;
34  }
35  else
36  {
37  // Advanced case - branch with multiple mothers - no mid-particle
38  Log::Debug(1)<<"Advanced case."<<endl;
39  particle = NULL;
40  mothers =>getMothers();
41  }
43  //--------------------------------------------------
44  // Finalize suppression/forcing checks
45  // NOTE: if user forces decay of specific particle,
46  // this overrides any suppresion
47  //--------------------------------------------------
51  else suppression = 0;
53  // Even if forced or passed suppression check, we still have to check few things
54  if(!suppression)
55  {
56  // Check momentum conservation
58  if(suppression) Log::Warning()<<"Branching ignored due to 4-momentum non conservation"<<endl;
60  // Check if advanced case has only one daughter
61  if(!particle && daughters.size()==1) suppression=-1;
63  // If any of special cases is true, we're not forcing this branch
64  if(suppression) forcing=0;
65  }
66 }
69 {
70  Log::Debug(703)<<" Processing barcode: "<<( (particle) ? particle->getBarcode() : ( (mothers.size()) ?>getBarcode() : -1) )<<endl;
71  /*
72  cout<<"Particles send to photos (with barcodes in brackets):"<<endl;
73  vector<PhotosParticle *> get = getParticles();
74  for(int i=0;i<(int)get.size();i++) cout<<"ID: "<<>getPdgID()<<" ("<<>getBarcode()<<"), "; cout<<endl;
75  */
76  int index = HEPEVT_struct::set(this);
78  PHOTOS_MAKE_C(index);
82 }
84 vector<PhotosParticle *> PhotosBranch::getParticles()
85 {
86  vector<PhotosParticle *> ret = mothers;
87  if(particle) ret.push_back(particle);
88  ret.insert(ret.end(),daughters.begin(),daughters.end());
89  return ret;
90 }
93 {
95  if(mothers.size()>0) return>checkMomentumConservation();
96  return true;
97 }
99 vector<PhotosBranch *> PhotosBranch::createBranches(vector<PhotosParticle *> particles)
100 {
101  Log::Debug(700)<<"PhotosBranch::createBranches - filtering started"<<endl;
102  list<PhotosParticle *> list(particles.begin(),particles.end());
103  vector<PhotosBranch *> branches;
105  // First - add all forced decays
107  {
108  std::list<PhotosParticle *>::iterator it;
109  for(it=list.begin();it!=list.end();it++)
110  {
111  PhotosBranch *branch = new PhotosBranch(*it);
112  int forcing = branch->getForcingStatus();
113  if(forcing)
114  {
115  Log::Debug(701)<<" Forced: "<<(*it)->getPdgID()<<" (barcode: "<<(*it)->getBarcode()<<") with forcing status= "<<forcing<<endl;
116  branches.push_back(branch);
117  it = list.erase(it);
118  --it;
119  // If forcing consecutive decays
120  if(forcing==2)
121  {
122  PhotosParticle *p = branch->getDecayingParticle();
123  if(!p)
124  {
125  if(branch->getMothers().size()>0) p = branch->getMothers().at(0);
126  else continue;
127  }
128  vector<PhotosParticle *> tree = p->getDecayTree();
129  //Add branches for all particles from the list - max O(n*m)
130  std::list<PhotosParticle *>::iterator it2;
131  for(it2=list.begin();it2!=list.end();it2++)
132  {
133  for(int i=0;i<(int)tree.size();i++)
134  {
135  if(>getBarcode()==(*it2)->getBarcode())
136  {
137  PhotosBranch *b = new PhotosBranch(*it2);
138  branches.push_back(b);
139  // If we were to delete our next particle in line
140  if(it==it2) --it;
141  it2 = list.erase(it2);
142  --it2;
143  break;
144  }
145  }
146  }
147  }
148  }
149  else delete branch;
150  }
151  }
152  // Quit if we're suppressing everything
153  if(Photos::isSuppressed) return branches;
154  // Now - check if remaining decays are suppressed
155  while(!list.empty())
156  {
157  PhotosParticle *particle = list.front();
158  list.pop_front();
159  if(!particle) continue;
161  PhotosBranch *branch = new PhotosBranch(particle);
162  int suppression = branch->getSuppressionStatus();
163  if(!suppression) branches.push_back(branch);
164  else
165  {
166  Log::Debug(702)<<" Suppressed: "<<particle->getPdgID()<<" (barcode: "<<particle->getBarcode()<<") with suppression status= "<<suppression<<endl;
167  //If suppressing consecutive decays
168  if(suppression==2)
169  {
170  PhotosParticle *p = branch->getDecayingParticle();
171  if(!p)
172  {
173  if(branch->getMothers().size()>0) p = branch->getMothers().at(0);
174  else continue;
175  }
176  vector<PhotosParticle *> tree = p->getDecayTree();
177  //Remove all particles from the list - max O(n*m)
178  std::list<PhotosParticle *>::iterator it;
179  for(it=list.begin();it!=list.end();it++)
180  {
181  for(int i=0;i<(int)tree.size();i++)
182  {
183  if(>getBarcode()==(*it)->getBarcode())
184  {
185  it = list.erase(it);
186  --it;
187  break;
188  }
189  }
190  }
191  }
192  delete branch;
193  continue;
194  }
196  //In case we don't have mid-particle erase rest of the mothers from list
197  if(!branch->getDecayingParticle())
198  {
199  vector<PhotosParticle *> mothers = branch->getMothers();
200  for(int i=0;i<(int)mothers.size();i++)
201  {
202  PhotosParticle *m =;
203  if(m->getBarcode()==particle->getBarcode()) continue;
204  std::list<PhotosParticle *>::iterator it;
205  for(it=list.begin();it!=list.end();it++)
206  if(m->getBarcode()==(*it)->getBarcode())
207  {
208  it = list.erase(it);
209  break;
210  }
211  }
212  }
213  }
214  return branches;
215 }
217 int PhotosBranch::checkList(bool forceOrSuppress)
218 {
219  vector< vector<int>* > *list = (forceOrSuppress) ? Photos::forceBremList : Photos::supBremList;
220  if(!list) return 0;
222  // Can't check without pdgid
223  int motherID;
224  if(particle) motherID = particle->getPdgID();
225  else
226  {
227  if(mothers.size()==0) return 0;
228  motherID =>getPdgID();
229  }
231  // Create list of daughters
232  vector<int> dID;
233  for(int j=0;j<(int)daughters.size();j++) dID.push_back(daughters[j]->getPdgID());
235  vector< vector<int> *> &patternList = *list;
237  // Check if the mother and list of daughters matches any of the declared patterns
238  for(int j=0; j<(int)patternList.size();j++)
239  {
240  // Skip patterns that don't have our mother
241  if(motherID!=(*patternList[j])[0]) continue;
243  // Compare decay daughters with pattern - max O(n*m)
244  vector<int> &pattern = *patternList[j];
245  bool fullMatch=true;
246  for(int k = 1; k<(int)pattern.size()-1; k++)
247  {
248  bool oneMatch=false;
249  for(int l=0;l<(int)dID.size(); l++)
250  if(pattern[k]==dID[l]) { oneMatch=true; break; }
251  if(!oneMatch) { fullMatch=false; break; }
252  }
253  // Check if the matching pattern is set for consecutive suppression
254  /*
255  Currently minimal matching is used.
256  If e.g. 25 -> -15 is suppressed, then 25 -> 15,-15 and 25 -> 15,-15,22 etc. is suppressed too
257  For exact matching (then suppress 25 -> 15,-15 ; 25 -> 15,-15,22 etc. must be done separately) uncoment line ...:
258  */
259  // if(pattern.size()<=2 || (fullMatch && dID.size()==pattern.size()-2) )
260  // ...and comment out line:
261  if(pattern.size()<=2 || fullMatch)
262  return (pattern.back()==1) ? 2 : 1;
263  }
264  return 0;
265 }
267 } // namespace Photospp
vector< PhotosParticle * > getMothers()
Definition: PhotosBranch.h:33
static int set(PhotosBranch *branch)
int checkList(bool forceOrSuppress)
std::vector< PhotosParticle * > getDecayTree()
virtual std::vector< PhotosParticle * > getDaughters()=0
virtual int getPdgID()=0
static vector< vector< int > * > * supBremList
Definition: Photos.h:191
virtual bool checkMomentumConservation()=0
virtual int getBarcode()=0
std::vector< PhotosParticle * > findProductionMothers()
vector< PhotosParticle * > daughters
Definition: PhotosBranch.h:75
static ostream & Debug(unsigned short int code=0, bool count=true)
Definition: Log.cxx:33
static bool isSuppressed
Definition: Photos.h:185
PhotosParticle * particle
Definition: PhotosBranch.h:71
vector< PhotosParticle * > mothers
Definition: PhotosBranch.h:73
PhotosParticle * getDecayingParticle()
Definition: PhotosBranch.h:30
static vector< PhotosBranch * > createBranches(vector< PhotosParticle * > particles)
static vector< vector< int > * > * forceBremList
Definition: Photos.h:194
PhotosBranch(PhotosParticle *p)
vector< PhotosParticle * > getParticles()