Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CPhotosControls the configuration and initialization of Photos
 CPhotosBranchSingle branching point
 CPhotosDebugRandomRandom generator for debugging purposes
 CPhotosEventAbstract base class for containing the event information
 CPhotosHEPEVTParticleSingle particle of HEPEVT event record
 CPhotosHepMC3EventInterface to GenEvent objects
 CPhotosHepMC3ParticleInterface to GenParticle objects
 CPhotosHepMCEventInterface to HepMC::GenEvent objects
 CPhotosHepMCParticleInterface to HepMC::GenParticle objects
 CPhotosParticleAbstract base class for particle in the event. This class also handles boosting
 CPhotosRandomPhotos random number generator rewritten from PHOTOS FORTRAN
 CPhotosUtilitiesSupport functions