Changelog for changes with respect to version 3.0 ------------------------------------------------- May 3 2014 - Adaptation for new class of events written to HepMC by new releases of Pythia and spotted in versions newer thant 8.165 Apr 7 2014 - Exit codes in case of an error changed to -1 (previously it was mostly 0) - Version 3.55 released Feb 1 2014 - Fix for gcc 4.8.1 introduced (thanks to Rafael Delgado Lopez for warning); Photos++ has been tested on gcc 4.8.1. While no further problems were found, due to nature of changes in gcc 4.8, we are not confident that Photos++ will work correctly in all conditions and for this version of gcc. We plan further tests. Nov 22 2013 - Fixed bug that caused segmentation fault in rare cases when HepMC::GenParticle::parent_event() caused invalid memory read Thanks Wojciech Kotlarski for finding it out Nov 21 2013 - Added compatibility for FORTRAN generators that use different standard of setting mother ID in HEPEVT event record - LCG scripts updated - Number of compilation warnings removed - Code tested within both C++ and Fortran environments Jul 20 2013 - Code fully located in Photospp namespace Jul 12 2013 - version 3.54 is free of fortran, but need to be tested/cleaned. Nov 04 2012 - Photos::setRandomGenerator() added, it can substitute native random number generator with the user provided one. Nov 02 2012 - ME correction for W fixed; it can work for multichannel samples as well - Boosting os grandaughters for ultrarelativistic mothers fixed with the help of PHCORK(0) added to PHOOUT routine. Resulting from there 4-vectors are used in kinematic modifications of C++ - Photos::forceMass and Photos::forceMassFromEventRecord now work regardless of whether Photos::forceMassFrom4Vector is true or false. Oct 28 2012 - Info, that until now ME in W decay can be used only for single channel, that means only one decay channel of either W+ or W- for the particular run. Aug 14 2012 - Photos will not act on Pomerons and its diffractive states. This was physically incorrect and even could cause NaNs to appear in the event. This protection was not necessary in the past. - Fixed bug in algorithm for kinematic adjustment introduced in update of Apr 24 - Fixed bug which in rare cases caused segmentation fault on 32-bit platform with gcc 4.1 - Examples updated for compatibility with Tauola v1.0.7 Apr 24 2012 - kinematic adjustment for vertex where all outgoing dauhters self-decay introduced, self decay vertices for photons generated by photos are added. Apr 22 2012 - Momentum conservation check for all stable particles in the event added to the examples. Apr 19 2012 Further extension for non-standard event record trees: - Boosting of subsequent daughters of verices treated by photos is now hardy for multimother splittings (that is loops in a tree) - It is not hardy (yet) for secondary intgeractions like it case of ttbar production vertex. - Experiments default, energy momentum conservation test (printing sum of all event's stable products 4-momenta), which is to be repated by users (see documentation Appendix B.3) is in our demo programs now. Apr 5 2012 - New methods for ignoring status codes: ignoreParticlesOfStatus deIgnoreParticlesOfStatus isStatusCodeIgnored Apr 1 2012 Inherited from HepMC method of momentum conservation check supplemented with missing so far energy. This is of importance for control of history entries. Mar 24 2012 - Release 3.4 - New options useful for correcting event record Photos is supposed to act, resulting from interactions with users: forceMass forceMassFromEventRecord createHistoryEntries - small bugfixes Dec 10 2011 - Release 3.3 (sent to LCG for installation). - NLO installed in all options and demos: for Z W and scalars decays. - Cleaning of the configuration scripts and LCG scripts completed - All tests passed. Up-to-date READMES, headers of all root benchmark files, options in test programs. - Several older benchmark files for NLO tests added for reference. Available for comparisons with advanced options of test programs; options described in 'examples/testing/README-comparison-options' - Example using interface without HepMC added - To compile without HepMC use: ./configure --without-hepmc Nov 11 2011 - Long tests with SANC at sub 0.01 % level went fine for single photon version of W decay at NLO, see: - Maximum weight over-run for W decay localized and fixed. - NLO in scalar to two saclars active, but demos are missing some explanations and activation examples. - NLO exp W decay still missing test benchmarks. Apr 26 2011 - NLO for W decay installed, some tests went OK, but need continuation - NLO in scalar to two saclars not active, but code is already in. Mar 28 2011 - Added instalation scripts for LCG. Dec 23 2010 - Bug resulting in NaN's on some platforms fixed -draft of ZmumuNLO example/testing added Dec 22 2010 - First order NLO version checked -numerical stability on other platforms must be verified -version of reduction procedures remain to be re-checked as well Dec 21 2010 - First long sample tests start to come OK, demos are not prepared. Note difference at 0.05 % level with respect to NLO paper from 2007. Different option of matching consecutive emission is used. Point will be clarified later. - First order NLO version remain unchecked. Dec 12 2010 - First tests of NLO installation start to come out OK Dec 10 2010 - NLO option drafted into the code, no tests performed Dec 5 2010 - Added: methods for option complete matrix element calculation (prepared in detail for Z/gamma only) WARNING: Implementation of matrix element for Z/gamma at work. - Numerically insignificant fix for the bug reported by Savinov. Result was that for photons of energies below .0001 of decaying particle mass final state charged particles were getting unphysical mass in event record. Nov 8 2010 - Fixed small typo in configuration help printout