1 #include <iostream>
2 #include "PhotosRandom.h"
3 #include "Photos.h"
4 #include "Log.h"
6 namespace Photospp
7 {
9 bool PhotosRandom::init = false;
10 int PhotosRandom::iseed[2]= { 1802, 9373 };
11 int PhotosRandom::i97 = 96;
12 int PhotosRandom::j97 = 32;
13 double PhotosRandom::uran[97]= { 0.0 };
14 double PhotosRandom::cran = 362436.0 /16777216.0;
15 const double PhotosRandom::cdran = 7654321.0 /16777216.0;
16 const double PhotosRandom::cmran = 16777213.0/16777216.0;
18 void PhotosRandom::setSeed(int s1,int s2)
19 {
20  if(s1<0 || s1>31327) Log::Fatal("PhotosRandom::setSeed(): Seed(1) out of range [0,31327]",8);
21  if(s2<0 || s2>30080) Log::Fatal("PhotosRandom::setSeed(): Seed(2) out of range [0,30080]",9);
22  iseed[0]=s1;
23  iseed[1]=s2;
24 }
26 /*******************************************************************************
27  PHORIN: PHOton radiation in decays RANdom number generator init
29  Purpose: Initialse PHORAN with the user specified seeds in the
30  array iseed. For details see also: F. James CERN DD-
31  Report November 1988.
33  Author(s): B. van Eijk and F. James Created at: 27/09/89
34  Last Update: 22/02/90
35  Rewritten to C++: 18/10/10
36  by T. Przedzinski (
37 *******************************************************************************/
38 void PhotosRandom::initialize()
39 {
40  long IS1,IS2,IS3,IS4,IS5;
41  double S,T;
43 // Calculate Marsaglia and Zaman seeds (by F. James)
44  IS1=(iseed[0]/177)%177+2;
45  IS2= iseed[0]%177+2;
46  IS3=(iseed[1]/169)%178+1;
47  IS4= iseed[1]%169;
48  for(int i=0;i<97;i++)
49  {
50  S=0.0;
51  T=0.5;
52  for(int j=0;j<24;j++)
53  {
54  IS5=( ((IS1*IS2)%179)*IS3 )%179;
55  IS1=IS2;
56  IS2=IS3;
57  IS3=IS5;
58  IS4=(53*IS4+1)%169;
59  if( (IS4*IS5)%64>=32) S=S+T;
60  T=0.5*T;
61  }
62  uran[i]=S;
63  }
64  init=true;
65  Log::Debug(0)<<"PhotosRandom::inititalize(): seed: "<<iseed[0]<<", "<<iseed[1]<<std::endl;
66 }
68 /*******************************************************************************
69  PHORAN: PHOton radiation in decays ret number generator based
70  on Marsaglia Algorithm
72  Purpose: Generate uniformly distributed random numbers between
73  0 and 1. Super long period: 2**144. See also:
74  G. Marsaglia and A. Zaman, FSU-SCR-87-50, for seed mo-
75  difications to this version see: F. James DD-Report,
76  November 1988. The generator has to be initialized by
77  a call to PHORIN ( C++ version: initialize() ).
79  Author(s): B. van Eijk, G. Marsaglia and Created at: 27/09/89
80  A. Zaman Last Update: 27/09/89
81  Rewritten to C++: 18/10/10
82  by T. Przedzinski (
83 *******************************************************************************/
84 double PhotosRandom::randomReal()
85 {
86  if(!init) Log::Fatal("PhotosRandom::randomReal(): generator not initialized",1);
87  double ret=0.0;
88  while(true)
89  {
90  ret = uran[i97]-uran[j97];
91  if(ret<0.0) ret+=1.;
92  uran[i97]=ret;
93  i97--;
94  if(i97<0) i97=96;
95  j97--;
96  if(j97<0) j97=96;
97  cran-=cdran;
98  if(cran<0.0) cran+=cmran;
99  ret-=cran;
100  if(ret<0.0) ret+=1.0;
101  if(ret>0.0) break;
102  }
103  return ret;
104 }
106 } // namespace Photospp
static void Fatal(string text, unsigned short int code=0)
static ostream & Debug(unsigned short int code=0, bool count=true)
Definition: Log.cxx:33